

affiche_v_4.jpgThe CNRS research network "Quantum Engineering, Fundamental Aspects to Applications" (IQFA) is pleased to organize its 13th (and last) colloquium at the Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (CNRS, Université Paris Saclay) from Wednesday 16th to Friday 18th November 2022.

Deadline for registration: Sunday, October 16th 2022 at 23:59
Registration is free but mandatory. If you already have a HAL or SciencesConf account please use it, otherwise it will be created during the registration process. As of today, we are planning this colloquium as an in-person event. However, the number of in-person participants will be limited to 200 on a first-come first-serve basis. Note that oral sessions will be streamed online, so that you can opt for an online-only registration. In-person participants will need to follow national sanitary COVID-related regulations for public events. These modalities are susceptible to be adjusted any time depanding on the evolution of the national situation.

Deadline for abstract submission: Sunday, October 2nd 2022 at 23:59
Before submitting a contribution, please register, and use the LaTeX template avaliable here to prepare your abstract as a 1-page pdf file.

 The colloquium will cover the latest developments in quantum engineering, structured along the key themes of IQFA:

The program will consist in tutorials by internationally recognized experts providing a synthetic focus on specific topics (50' talk +10' questions), invited talks presenting recent advances in the field (25' talk + 5' questions), and two poster sessions. In addition to invited speakers, ~15 poster contributions will be ugraded by the scientific committee as oral presentations.


Tutorial speakers

Prof. Olivier Arcizet, Institut Néel, CNRS grenoble, FR: "tutorial QMET"

Prof. Atac Imamoglu, ETH Zürich, CH: "tutorial TEM"

Prof. Richard Kueng, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, AT: "tutorial QPAC"

Prof. Ana Belen Sainz, University of Gdansk, PL: "tutorial FQA"

Prof. Benjamin Brecht, Paderborn University, DE: "tutorial QCOM"

Invited speakers

Prof. Ulrik Lund Andersen, Technical University of Denmark, DK: "invited talk QPAC"

Prof. Natalia Ares, University of Oxford, UK: "invited talk FQA"

Prof. Akash Dixit, University of Chicago, Chicago, US: "invited talk QMET"

Prof. Quentin Glorieux, LKB, Sorbonne Université, FR: "invited talk QSIM"

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